LSSolutionStatus Enumeration

class localsolver.LSSolutionStatus

Solution status: Optimal, Feasible, Infeasible or Inconsistent.

As other enumerations present in the localsolver module, LSSolutionStatus is enumerable and indexable:

print (LSSolutionStatus[0])                 # Shows LSSolutionStatus.INCONSISTENT
print (LSSolutionStatus.INCONSISTENT.value) # Shows 0

# Iterates over the members of LSSolutionStatus
for e in LSSolutionStatus:
    print e

Solution and model are inconsistent. The solver was able to prove that the model admits no feasible solution. Note that even a model without any constraint can be inconsistent, because some computations can yield undefined results. For instance, computing SQRT(x) with negative x yields an undefined value, which causes the solution to be invalid if it is used in an objective or a constraint (directly or indirectly).


Solution is infeasible (some constraints are violated).


Solution is feasible but optimality was not proven.


Solution is optimal (all objective bounds are reached).