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is now
Hexaly logo

We're excited to share that we are moving forward. We're leaving behind the LocalSolver brand and transitioning to our new identity: Hexaly. This represents a leap forward in our mission to enable every organization to make better decisions faster when faced with operational and strategic challenges.

This page is for an old version of Hexaly Optimizer. We recommend that you update your version and read the documentation for the latest stable release.

LSCallbackType Enumeration

enum LSCallbackType

List of types that can be used with callbacks. Each type corresponds to a specific event that can occur during the resolution.

enumerator CT_PhaseStarted

Event that occurs when a phase is started.

enumerator CT_PhaseEnded

Event that occurs when a phase ends.

enumerator CT_Display

Event that occurs regularly before, after and during the search to display useful information about the model and the resolution. The time between two such events can be tuned with the TimeBetweenDisplays parameter.

enumerator CT_TimeTicked

Event that occurs regularly during the resolution. The time between two such events can be tuned with the TimeBetweenTicks parameter.

enumerator CT_IterationTicked

Event that occurs regularly during the resolution. The number of iterations between two such events can be tuned with the IterationBetweenTicks parameter.
