Localsolver  6.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
oNlocalsolverThe classical version of LocalSolver is designed to solve large scale optimization problem in boolean, integer and continuous decisions. The model is described as a set of mathematical expressions that can be constrained or optimized
|oCLocalSolverLocalSolver environment
|oCLSCollectionValue type for collection expressions (lists)
|oCLSExceptionLocalSolver exception
|oCLSExpressionMathematical modeling expression
|oCLSInconsistencyInconsistency core of the optimization model
|oCLSModelMathematical optimization model
|oCLSNativeContextContext for native functions
|oCLSParamSolving parameters
|oCLSPhaseOptimization phase
|oCLSSolutionSolution to the optimization model
|oCLSStatisticsStatistics of the search
|\CLSVersionVersion and copyright info
\NlocalsolverblackboxLocalSolverBlackBox solves blackbox optimization problem where the objective function is unknown and costly to evaluate. The function can have boolean, integer or continuous decisions in a finite range
 oCLocalSolverBlackBoxLocalSolverBlackBox environment
 oCLSBBExceptionLocalSolverBlackBox exception
 oCLSBBExpressionMathematical modeling expression
 oCLSBBModelMathematical optimization model
 oCLSBBNativeContextContext for native functions
 oCLSBBParamSolving parameters
 \CLSBBSolutionSolution to the optimization model