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This page is for an old version of Hexaly Optimizer. We recommend that you update your version and read the documentation for the latest stable release.

Branin function

Principles learned

  • Add float decision variables
  • Minimize a non-linear objective
  • Create a highly non-linear expression: with operators “cos” and “pow”



Branin function is defined by f(x) = a(x2 - b*x1² + c*x1 - r)² + s(1-t)cos(x1) + s

For more details, see : branin.html

Download the example


Constants are fixed to the recommanded values: a=1, b=5.1/(4π²), c=5/π, s=10 and t=1/(8π). The domains of x1 and x2 are respectively [-5,10] and [0,15].

The model is really straightforward: two decision variables x1 and x2 are declared, and then the Branin function to be minimized is applied to this couple.

localsolver branin.lsp [lsTimeLimit=] [solFileName=]
/********** branin.lsp **********/

use io;

/* Declares the optimization model. */
function model() {
    PI = 3.14159265359;
    a = 1;
    b = 5.1/(4*pow(PI,2));
    c = 5/PI;
    r = 6;
    s = 10;
    t = 1/(8*PI);

    x1 <- float(-5,10);
    x2 <- float(0,15);

    // f = a(x2 - b*x1^2 + c*x1 - r)^2 + s(1-t)cos(x1) + s
    f <- a*pow(x2 - b*pow(x1, 2) + c*x1 - r, 2) + s*(1-t)*cos(x1) + s;

    minimize f;

/* Parameterizes the solver. */
function param() {
    if(lsTimeLimit == nil) lsTimeLimit = 6;

/* Writes the solution in a file */
function output() {
    if (solFileName != nil) // write solution file if needed
        local solFile = io.openWrite(solFileName);
        solFile.println("x1=", x1.value);
        solFile.println("x2=", x2.value);
Execution (Windows)
set PYTHONPATH=%LS_HOME%\bin\python27\
python branin.py
Execution (Linux)
export PYTHONPATH=/opt/localsolver_XXX/bin/python27/
python branin.py
########## branin.py ##########

import localsolver
import sys

with localsolver.LocalSolver() as ls:

    # Parameters of the function
    PI = 3.14159265359
    a = 1;
    b = 5.1/(4*pow(PI,2));
    c = 5/PI;
    r = 6;
    s = 10;
    t = 1/(8*PI);

    # Declares the optimization model
    model = ls.model

    # Numerical decisions
    x1 = model.float(-5.0,10.0)
    x2 = model.float(0.0,15.0)

    # f = a(x2 - b*x1^2 + c*x1 - r)^2 + s(1-t)cos(x1) + s
    f = a*(x2 - b*x1**2 + c*x1 -r)**2 + s*(1-t)*model.cos(x1) + s

    # Minimize f


    # Parameterizes the solver
    ls.param.nb_threads = 2
    if len(sys.argv) >= 3: ls.create_phase().time_limit = int(sys.argv[2])
    else: ls.create_phase().time_limit = 6


    # Writes the solution in a file
    if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
        with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f:
            f.write("x1=%f\n" % x1.value)
            f.write("x2=%f\n" % x2.value)
Compilation / Execution (Windows)
cl /EHsc branin.cpp -I%LS_HOME%\include /link %LS_HOME%\bin\localsolver.dll.lib
Compilation / Execution (Linux)
g++ branin.cpp -I/opt/localsolver_XXX/include -llocalsolver -lpthread -o branin
/********** branin.cpp **********/

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include "localsolver.h"

using namespace localsolver;
using namespace std;

class Branin {

    // Solver
    LocalSolver localsolver;

    // LS Program variables.
    LSExpression x1;
    LSExpression x2;

    void solve(int limit) {
        try {
            // Parameters of the function
            lsdouble PI = 3.14159265359;
            lsdouble a = 1;
            lsdouble b = 5.1/(4*pow(PI, 2.0));
            lsdouble c = 5/PI;
            lsdouble r = 6;
            lsdouble s = 10;
            lsdouble t = 1/(8*PI);

            /* Declares the optimization model. */
            LSModel model = localsolver.getModel();

            // Numerical decisions
            x1 = model.floatVar(-5.0, 10.0);
            x2 = model.floatVar(0.0, 15.0);

            // f = a(x2 - b*x1^2 + c*x1 - r)^2 + s(1-t)cos(x1) + s
            LSExpression f = a*model.pow(x2 - b*model.pow(x1, 2) + c*x1 - r, 2) + s*(1-t)*model.cos(x1) + s;

            // Minimize f

            /* Parameterizes the solver. */
            LSPhase phase = localsolver.createPhase();


        } catch (const LSException& e) {
            cout << "LSException:" << e.getMessage() << endl;

    /* Writes the solution in a file */
    void writeSolution(const string& fileName){
        ofstream outfile(fileName.c_str());
        if (!outfile.is_open()) {
            cerr << "File " << fileName << " cannot be opened." << endl;
        outfile << "x1=" << x1.getDoubleValue() << endl;
        outfile << "x2=" << x2.getDoubleValue() << endl;

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    const char* solFile = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : NULL;
    const char* strTimeLimit = argc > 2 ? argv[2] : "6";    

    Branin model;
    if(solFile != NULL) {
    return 0;
Compilation / Execution (Windows)
javac Branin.java -cp %LS_HOME%\bin\localsolver.jar
java -cp %LS_HOME%\bin\localsolver.jar;. Branin
Compilation/Execution (Linux)
javac Branin.java -cp /opt/localsolver_XXX/bin/localsolver.jar
java -cp /opt/localsolver_XXX/bin/localsolver.jar:. Branin
/********** Branin.java **********/

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import localsolver.*;

public class Branin {

    // Parameters of the function
    double PI = 3.14159265359;
    int a = 1;
    double b = 5.1/(4*Math.pow(PI,2));
    double c = 5/PI;
    int r = 6;
    int s = 10;
    double t = 1/(8*PI);

    /* Solver */
    LocalSolver localsolver;

    /* LS Program variables. */
    LSExpression x1;
    LSExpression x2;

    /* Declares the optimization model. */
    void solve(int limit){
            localsolver = new LocalSolver();
            LSModel model = localsolver.getModel();

            // numerical decisions
            x1 = model.floatVar(-5, 10);
            x2 = model.floatVar(0, 15);

            // f = a(x2 - b*x1^2 + c*x1 - r)^2 + s(1-t)cos(x1) + s
            LSExpression f = model.sum();

            // f1 = x2 - b*x1^2 + c*x1 - r 
            LSExpression f1 = model.sum();    
            f1.addOperand(model.prod(-b, model.pow(x1, 2)));
            f1.addOperand(model.prod(c, x1));

            // f = a*f1^2 + s(1-t)cos(x1) + s
            f.addOperand(model.prod(a, model.pow(f1, 2)));
            f.addOperand(model.prod(s*(1-t), model.cos(x1)));

            // minimize f

            // close model, then solve

            /* Parameterizes the solver. */
            LSPhase phase = localsolver.createPhase();


        }catch (LSException e) {
            System.out.println("LSException:" + e.getMessage());

    /* Writes the solution in a file */
    void writeSolution(String fileName){
            BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName));
            output.write("x1="+ x1.getDoubleValue() + "\n");
            output.write("x2="+ x2.getDoubleValue() + "\n");
        } catch (IOException ex) {

    public static void main(String [] args){
        String outputFile = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : null;
        String strTimeLimit = args.length > 1 ? args[1] : "6";

        Branin model = new Branin();
        if(outputFile != null) {
Compilation/Execution (Windows)
copy %LS_HOME%\bin\*net.dll .
csc Branin.cs /reference:localsolvernet.dll
/********** Branin.cs **********/

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using localsolver;

public class Branin : IDisposable
    // Solver
    LocalSolver localsolver;

    // LS Program variables
    LSExpression x1;
    LSExpression x2;

    public Branin ()
        localsolver = new LocalSolver();

    public void Dispose ()

    public void Solve(int limit)
        // Parameters of the function
        double PI = 3.14159265359;
        double a = 1;
        double b = 5.1/(4*Math.Pow(PI,2.0));
        double c = 5/PI;
        double r = 6;
        double s = 10;
        double t = 1/(8*PI);

        /* Declares the optimization model */
        LSModel model = localsolver.GetModel();

        // Numerical decisions
        x1 = model.Float(-5, 10);
        x2 = model.Float(0, 15);

        // f = a(x2 - b*x1^2 + c*x1 - r)^2 + s(1-t)cos(x1) + s
        LSExpression f = a*model.Pow(x2 - b*model.Pow(x1, 2) + c*x1 - r, 2) + s*(1-t)*model.Cos(x1) + s;

        // Minimize f

        /* Parameterizes the solver. */
        LSPhase phase = localsolver.CreatePhase();


    /* Writes the solution in a file */
    public void WriteSolution(string fileName)
        using (StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter(fileName))
            output.WriteLine("x1=" + x1.GetDoubleValue());
            output.WriteLine("x2=" + x2.GetDoubleValue());

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        string outputFile = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : null;
        string strTimeLimit = args.Length > 1 ? args[1] : "6";    

        using (Branin model = new Branin())
            if(outputFile != null)