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is now
Hexaly logo

We're excited to share that we are moving forward. We're leaving behind the LocalSolver brand and transitioning to our new identity: Hexaly. This represents a leap forward in our mission to enable every organization to make better decisions faster when faced with operational and strategic challenges.

LSCallback Delegate

delegate void localsolver.LSCallback(LocalSolver solver, LSCallbackType type)

LSCallback delegate. Implementing the LSCallback delegate enables users to call methods to react to specific events or to call a method regularly during the search. It can be used for example to control when to stop the search or to display some specific information during the search.

When a callback is called, the solver is paused. In that state, you can call all the methods marked as “allowed in state LSState.Paused”. Calling any other method will throw an error.

  • solver (LocalSolver) – The solver calling the function.

  • type (LSCallbackType) – The type of event that triggered the call.



