LocalSolver logo
is now
Hexaly logo

We're excited to share that we are moving forward. We're leaving behind the LocalSolver brand and transitioning to our new identity: Hexaly. This represents a leap forward in our mission to enable every organization to make better decisions faster when faced with operational and strategic challenges.

Python setup (optional)ΒΆ

Once you have installed LocalSolver on your computer, the recommended way to link LocalSolver to your Python installation, is to type the following command in a command prompt or in the prompt of your Python environment (Anaconda for instance):

pip install localsolver -i https://pip.localsolver.com

This command must be executed each time you install a new version of LocalSolver.


Note that it only configures the integration of LocalSolver in Python. It is not a substitute for a proper installation of LocalSolver with a LocalSolver license.